Being on the Same Team

Padma Gordon

Our first week of the Rare Mothers in Relationships Workshop series was wonderful! I so appreciated everyone’s willingness to share honestly. It is powerful to sit in a circle with a group of women who understand you and care about you even though they may have just met you.

We began by looking at some of the gifts and challenges of being in a partnership as a Rare Mother. It also became obvious that self-care is one of the foundations for a healthy, thriving relationship.

A couple of the practical tools that arose were:

  1. Pausing during the transitions. Pausing to be present with yourself before you engage with your partner supports you to be present and available with them. Even brief exchanges can provide deep nourishment when we are present together.

  2. Intentional breathing. When we take time to slow down, breathe and arrive fully in ourselves, this increases our capacity to show up for the people we love.

Team play

This week we will focus on how to work and play together as a team. What are the qualities of a good team player? How can you coach yourself so that you can skillfully lead your team? What are you bringing to your team? What does your partner bring? These are just some of the questions we will be discussing. We will source the practical tools needed in order to have a great team that will support you and your family over the long haul.

Join Us

We would love to meet you and offer our support to you and your family. This is a precious opportunity to come together with other Rare Mothers in an intimate setting. We meet on Tuesday mornings at 10am PST. Come as you are. Bring a journal and an open mind. Drop-in anytime. All are welcome.

Register to join here.


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