Believing In Yourself

Your authentic self is who you really are deep down. The part of you that doesn’t care what others think. Learning how to be your authentic self is an essential part of building meaningful relationships, and starts with yourself. Authenticity happens when your words, actions, and behaviors consistently match your core identity.

Many people struggle with expressing themselves openly, which at times is very appropriate. But this can also come from struggling to figure out who you are currently or not knowing what you want out of life. These are big questions, but they don’t always have to be overwhelming. There are concrete, actionable ways to start finding, and more fully expressing, your authentic self. If you are ready to step into being your authentic self, more often, there are truly astonishing benefits that you can realize when you embrace it.

You cannot be authentic if you don’t believe in yourself. Believing in yourself means having faith in your own capabilities. It means believing that you CAN do something, that it is within your ability. When you believe in yourself, you can overcome self-doubt and have the confidence to take action and get things done.

When you’re drowning in fears, doubts, and self-sabotaging behaviors, success, of any kind, can feel out of your grasp. All of the skills, training, and tools in the world won’t change that. The magic begins to happen by simply believing it’s possible. Your belief in possibility is necessary to the work, the experimentation, and the consistency needed to approach life differently.

Some degree of self-doubt is considered normal. Yet knowing this doesn’t necessarily make things easier when self-doubt comes knocking at your front door. But, here’s the thing… self-doubt keeps you from being your best self. And your best self is awesome!

No matter what you’re facing, connecting in with four reminders can help you get back on track. 1. Looking at embracing who you are gives you strength and courage. 2. Practicing flipping your perspective from what you can’t do, have or become to finding the piece of something going well, even if its small, brings empowerment.

3. Becoming your own advocate, coach or cheerleader (or asking someone to assist you with it), expands your growing personal confidence and belief in yourself. 4. And lastly, taking time to reflect, brings you awareness of the effort you are giving yourself. By acknowledging your successes and achievements, you can reward yourself for the energy you’ve invested into self-discovery and fulfillment, supporting the cycle of believing in yourself even more.

Take little steps with this. It starts as small moments, but the more it is practiced, the easier we do it for ourselves in the long run. And it can go a long, long way to support you in your own self-care.

Until next time,



Happiness vs Joy


Staying Calm