“I Can. I Am. I Will. I Do.”

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Kate Milliken

I started this season's journaling workshop asking participants about the loneliness experienced with a diagnosis, something I understood on some level as a result of living with MS. The range of ways people responded were varied, but all recognized that reality and that recognition introduced ways to release one thought to accept the next. Today I heard "It hurts to let go, but it heals to be free." and I think theres huge truth in that process.

Acceptance in its smallest form can set the path to the next step..and the next..The conversation teed up this week's assignment beautifully, an expression heard in a Peloton spin class no less...

"I can. I am. I will. I do."

What do those phrases mean to you separately and as a whole?   

I remain grateful to those who found the time to join us today.  Here's what I already know.  You all are a force.  Can't wait to continue the dialogue.  

Register for the Journaling Self-Car workshop each Tuesday through June 30, 2021 with Kate Milliken here.

- Kate Milliken


Put It In Perspective


Finding the Little Moments