Receiving is a Muscle

In our last Rare Family Dynamics Workshop of 2022 we discussed embracing the bothness of life. We looked at what supports you to receive the blessings and challenges that arise in any moment. We courageously looked ahead into the future, a future where you will likely outlive your Rare child.


It is important to remember that being human is an invitation to receiving it all. What if you think about receiving as a muscle? By exercising this muscle, you expand your capacity to receive the full gamut of life's experiences.

You can’t stop the hard stuff, and the worst case scenario is a possibility for anybody.

Facing the unimaginable

For most of us, it is nearly impossible to imagine the death of your child. It is too painful and just feels too heavy.

Perhaps you want to shove all of the dark, scary thoughts into an old cardboard box and push it all the way to the back of your closet. After that you might feel like piling old coats on top of it. Compartmentalization can be a useful coping strategy at times and it's not the only option. 

Intentional contemplation

It can be useful to purposefully think about dying, so that you can live fully today. Turning toward the unimaginable can be a way to cultivate resilience. Perhaps you talk to other parents who’ve been there. Let yourself have all your feelings, including anger, sorrow, despair, and bitterness.

Walking in Grief

If you think it’s impossible to survive the death of a child, look at other parents who are walking in grief. You may also find it helpful to read both fiction and non-fiction that centers around it. Lean into your faith. Sit quietly in meditation or prayer and open wider to all that is. You are not alone.

Coming up this week in our New Session of Rare Family Dynamics

Gratitude: The Art of Skillful Communication 

As a raregiver, you experience many trials and also moments of profound gratitude. When you focus on being grateful and expressing your appreciation, your relationships thrive. Taking time to show gratitude to those around you who offer assistance helps them feel appreciated. Appreciation is one of the important ways we take care of each other. Come and join us to learn some simple appreciation practices and to receive appreciation for who you are from other raregivers.

You Belong Here

This group is open to all raregivers regardless of gender or relationship status. Join our amazing community of raregivers who understand you. Come and be seen, heard and truly understood. Let the community hold you. We meet on Tuesdays at 10am PT. Come for all or a portion of the session. 

Your presence is a contribution.

Zoom Link: Click Here

I am looking forward to beginning a new session with you all. 

With Blessings for a Happy New Year,



What You Focus On Grows


Define Self Care For Yourself