Shine Your Light

This week in our Rare Family Dynamics Workshop, we stepped into very tender territory. We explored what it is like to know that increased care for your Rare child is coming. We contemplated what may arise in the face of this.


Meeting the inevitable takes a lot of courage. It invites you to take care of yourself and grow your inner strength. Sometimes it might mean that you go on antidepressants, get therapy, meditate and pray a lot. Get extra care for your Rare child. Do whatever is needed. 

Facing the fact that your child may need to go into foster care, be institutionalized and eventually leave this world before you do is huge.

Trust yourself

You can trust that if you choose to sign a DNR order for your Rare child, you can also change your mind. Feel your feelings, trust that they make sense and ground into yourself. Breathe a lot and act from a place of calm as much as possible. 

Cultivate Presence

Take time to be quiet and let your own presence support you. When you are present, clarity reveals itself. When the mind is silent, you have access to universal wisdom. Your awareness is like a lantern that lights up the moment gently with intelligence and kindness.

Coming up this week: Full-time Care 

When your Rare child is in need of full-time care, your life changes drastically. You may need to stop working or increase your work hours due to greater financial demands. When you stop working, you also lose touch with work contacts which may lead to isolation. You have less time for yourself and your relationships with your partner and other children. The stresses are many. Join us for a rich discussion.

You Belong Here

This group is open to all raregivers regardless of gender or relationship status. Join our amazing community of Rare caregivers who get you. Come be seen, heard and deeply understood. Let the community hold you. We meet on Tuesdays at 10am PT. Join us for all or a portion of the session. 

Come as you are. Your presence is a contribution.

Zoom Link: Click Here

We look forward to being with you soon.




Exploring the 6 Phase Meditation


Doing It Together