Christa Santangelo, PhD


Clinical Psychologist & Spiritual Counselor

Featured in top media including The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and NY Family Christa Santangelo PhD is a clinical psychologist specializing in the healing power of the parent-teen relationship. Since completing her post-doctoral fellowship at Yale University, Dr. Santangelo has served as assistant clinical professor at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), where she lectures today. Her private practice is in San Anselmo, CA. Dr. Santangelo’s, A New Theory of Teenagers: Seven Transformational Strategies to Empower You and Your Teen, distills her 30 years of experience working with parents and teens – leveraging the parent-teen conflict as an opportunity for spiritual growth and personal transformation.

In both her book and her practice, Dr. Santangelo provides a unique and multi-dimensional approach to the parent-teen relationship by integrating conventional psychology with alternative methods including yoga and meditation. Dr. Santangelo is also a mother who offers personal wisdom from her own parenting journey. For more information about Dr. Santangelo, visit