Telling Others

How and when do Rare Carriers tell others of their status once they know? Who do they tell? This is an incredibly personal experience and every Rare Carrier approaches it differently. In this session we discussed the many facets of sharing carrier status with others, including family members, partners, those they are dating, friends, and more.

There is no one way to tell others of carrier status. Rare Carriers are motivated to share or remain private for a variety of personal reasons. 

In this session, we discussed how public participants have been about their carrier status, who and why they have shared with, and whether telling others has been beneficial or not. If participants have chosen to stay private about their carrier status, we discussed why and what that experience is like.


“I think the hardest thing about telling is conveying your emotions and reasoning in the best possible way to have people understand. Even if you do everything [right] people are not always going to agree. I’m okay with people not always agreeing or completely understanding. It’s part of life. But it’s hard knowing that retaliation is possible for your most difficult decisions and situation in your life.”

- Kelsey Ross