Listen and Receive


Padma Gordon

Life is more beautiful when we pay attention and paying attention is a skill. It can be hard as a Rare mother to be present with your child when you have so many other responsibilities. Multitasking can become a habit. Unfortunately, it’s a habit that separates us from the moment and hinders our ability to be fully present.

When you are present with your child, you can receive the nourishment of those tender moments, like snuggling with them right before bedtime, or the first moments in the morning when they wake up and the day has not yet come storming in. These are precious moments to soak up.

These moments add up to create a sustainable relationship with self, child and family. Perhaps you feel like you are giving and giving and not receiving a lot back. It takes a clear intention to settle in, listen and receive.

Imagine this:

You are with your child in a quiet moment and they are calm and relatively at ease. You slow down, put away your phone and turn off the TV. You open yourself up and allow all of your senses to receive the goodness of the moment. Smell the scent of their skin, gaze upon them, hear the sound of their breath and feel the weight of their body close to yours. This kind of listening allows you to receive. The more you practice this, the more nourishing your life will become.

Things to remember:

  • Slow down. Close your eyes. Listen with all of you.

  • Highlight the good. When you do this you are making deposits in your resource account. You are training yourself to look for what is working in your world.

  • Notice the energy cycle of giving and receiving and how it creates a sustainable way of relating.

You might choose to journal about these things. Journaling is very integrative.

Join Us

Come and join us. Give yourself a chance to be seen and heard by other Rare mothers who "get" you. It is a chance to be reminded that you are not alone at sea. We meet every Tuesday morning at 10 AM Pacific Time. 

Click this link to join.

I hope to see you there. If you have any trouble signing on, please reach out to Paige. She is here to support you too.

With blessings,



What Does It Take To Be a Rare Mom?


Choosing to Love Yourself