What Does It Take To Be a Rare Mom?


Kate Milliken

What does it take to be a rare mom?  

The answer that came out today in our journaling workshop, without question, was backbone.  This community finds the strength to hold it together to move things forward on behalf of our child/children even when it can be unbelievably painful.  In as much as we all push forward, there's also the element of surrender, and hearing about that part of the process today made left me with believing  that letting go may take the greatest strength of all.  

As you start your day, think about who or what is important to you.  Who are they? What is it?  Can you try and make that person or that activity a focus this week?  I'm here to encourage you to try.

Join Journaling Self-Care to talk through this prompt with others who understand.

Here is the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsdeyuqj0rGtz0MowiGsLN77bd0Ij4v3gW

- Kate Milliken


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