Tending to the Garden

Our Rare Mothers in Relationship Workshop is amazing! It is deep and intimate and our community is growing. It is an opportunity for Rare Mothers to share their wisdom and life experience. I am honored to facilitate this workshop.

The We

We discussed the essential components of creating a container in your relationship. What does it mean to live inside of a couple bubble? First off, it means that you consider your partner when you are making decisions and they do the same for you. You tend to your relationship just as you would a garden.

As a Rare mother, you have a ton of responsibility caring for your Rare child. When you and your partner or husband are solid, it creates a stable ground from which to move. Together you can make the important decisions that impact your child’s well-being.

Your well-being is also impacted when your relationship is stable. When you feel held, your nervous system can relax. A relaxed state of being is the place from which to take your next step, rather than being in a fight or flight state where survival is the focus.

Some ways that you can tend to the garden of your relationship:

  • Have consistent date nights.

  • Keep your heart soft and open.

  • Listen and be present.

  • Offer your partner the kind of care that they enjoy. In other words, tend to them in a way that will register for them. People are all so different.

You are stronger when your relationship is stronger, and as a Rare mother caring for your Rare child and all that entails can be highly stressful which can threaten the stability of your relationship. Take time to tend to yourself and your relationship. United you can tend to your Rare child in the best way possible. Please be gentle with yourselves and each other as you move through life. 

Brene’ Brown suggests, “Have a strong back, a soft front and a wild heart.”

Coming Up This Week: Deepening the We and the value of commitment

What is it that strengthens your We? Are you fully committed in your marriage or partnership or do you tend to leave the door ajar? We will explore how commitment is a structure that supports you as a Rare mother and as a woman in the world. 

Receive Support

We would love to meet you and offer our support to you and your family. This is an opportunity to come together with other Rare Mothers in an intimate setting. There are Rare Mothers who are at the beginning of their journey and others who are at the end. We are a wise community of women who meet on Tuesday mornings at 10am PST. You are welcome to join us anytime.

Poetic Inspiration

Sometimes our meetings and meditations inspire poetry. Here is a powerful poem from Laura Will who is a regular in our workshop.

Register to join here.


I am Enough


Tending to Your Inner Child